As far back as Kevin can remember he wanted to be an actor. He obtained a B.Tech Drama from Pretoria Technicon in 1997. He joined the On Cue Theatre in 1998 and never looked back. First and foremost he is an actor, as well as being an integral part of the Pre-production side of all On Cue Theatre shows. He co-writes all the original scripts with Litzy Katz. He also designs and makes many of the costumes and props. Kevin has portrayed hundreds of various characters during his career to date; from Shakespeare’s tragic roles, Macbeth to villainous Iago, to comic Pantomime Dame, to the subtle and endearing Pierrot. Although very few people know him by name, he is recognized by children everywhere, having performed on stages from Soweto to Sandton Theatre on the Square.

For a list of all On Cue Theatre shows in which Kevin has participated, please refer to Litzy Katz’s CV.